Intimacy (not necessarily sex) in marriage is a vital component of a healthy and satisfying relationship. Without intimacy, a marriage simply cannot be successful.
John Gray in his famous book "Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus" wrote
"In my early marriage I had sex for breakfast, sex for lunch and sex for dinner!"
The frequency of intimacy in a marriage varies from couple to couple. It is important for couples to communicate and reach a mutual understanding of how much intimacy they need and want. There is no one-size-fits-all answer and each couple must decide what works best for them.
At the very least, couples should try to be intimate on a weekly basis. This is important for maintaining a healthy physical and emotional connection. Intimacy does not just mean having sex, it can also include things such as cuddling, talking, or simply spending quality time together. The key is to make sure that the couple is expressing their love for each other in a meaningful way.
As couples age, their needs and desires change. It is important to keep an open dialogue and be understanding of each other’s needs.
Intimacy in marriage is essential for any couple to have a healthy and fulfilling relationship. While couples may have different levels of intimacy needs, it is important to remember that both partners must find a balance that works for them. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how often you need intimacy in marriage, as it will vary from couple to couple.
Have more sex and keep the romance alive in your marriage
The most important thing is to ensure that both partners are satisfied with the level of intimacy they have, and that it is not a source of conflict between them. Intimacy can be expressed in many ways, such as through physical touch, emotional and intellectual connection, and even spiritual connection.
It is important to make sure that both partners are comfortable with the level of intimacy they are getting in marriage. The female libido
It is also important to take into account the individual needs of each partner.
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