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Does Marriage Restoration Work

 Are you wondering if marriage restoration works?  Yes it does if you know exactly what to do and when.  Love is like a plant - you need to nurture your love or it will die. You need to feed it on a regular basis and let it build in strength.  A well nourished relationship is very hard to destroy.

If you need some ideas on how marriage restoration works have a read of Magic Of Making Up.  The strategies in there will help most people to improve their relationships and not just those of us facing a marriage breakdown. Communication between couples can be fraught with problems.  Our egos often get in the way and it not our egos, our pride.  

How often have you known that you should apologize for your behavior but decided that you couldn't do it as you didn't want to lose face.    Some men let their egos go to their head.  They lose a fantastic relationship with the woman of their dreams because some other girl looks attractive and shows interest. He can't let his ego down by saying no, is unfaithful, gets caught and then wonders why he may need marriage restoration.  

When you are part of a couple, life is not always easy. You have to compromise and this can mean that you spend your Saturday on the sidelines at a game when you would rather be in the Mall shopping. Or it could mean you take your wife and her parents out to dinner when you would rather be with your mates in a bar somewhere.   

But the benefits of being happily married far outweigh any disadvantages.  Being able to come home to your loving partner at the end of a hard day. Knowing that there is always someone who believes in you and what you are trying to achieve.  Knowing you are not on your own and don't have to spend your life in a series of flings because you are lonely.

If you have children, you owe them the chance of growing up in a happy home with both their parents. They didn't ask to come into your life, you invited them.  All kids want Mom and Dad to stay together. Sometimes it is best for parents to split up but only if they have tried everything to make their relationship work first.  

They can't just bail at the first sign of trouble.   All couples go through phases of being less than happy with each other, but for the majority these phases will pass especially if you both make an effort to resolve the underlying issues.

Yes being happily married takes hard work and commitment but the benefits are fantastic. So if you feel marriage restoration would work for you today, get a copy of the Magic of Making Up, follow the instructions and get your relationship back on the right track now.  Don't wait until it is too late.


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